Friday, June 30, 2023

The Tyranny of Political Correctness


Political correctness was originally intended to promote a more representative and reverential society. It has, however, over time, mutated into an unwieldy dogma that restricts free speech and restrains well-intentioned and honest debates. We examine the growing tyranny foisted by political correctness and delve into its negative effects on intellectual honesty, free speech, and finally, the democratic principles it was initially intended to protect.

Political Correctness and Its Effect on Free Speech

One of the most disturbing aspects of political correctness is its ability to dissuade individuals from frankly expressing their views. Society is now witness to the stifling of genuine dialogue, under the threat of reprisal or being categorized as insensitive or intolerant. Accordingly, people are inclined to suppress their thoughts, thus impeding the interchange and examination of different ideas needed to promote society’s advancement.

Political Correctness Suppresses Intellectual Diversity

Political correctness strives to standardize opinions by instituting a set of pre-accepted beliefs, thereby negating the importance of intellectual diversity. When certain standpoints become forbidden or disparaged, individuals are discouraged from questioning dominant norms and defying the status quo. This restraint impedes the development of ideas and stunts intellectual growth, holding back critical thinking needed for societal progress.

Political Correctness Creates an Illusion of Equality

While the rationale behind political correctness is to foster equality, it inadvertently generates a false sense of equality. By regulating how people talk and act, political correctness makes society appear harmonious superficially. But true equality necessitates more than mere obedience to language and behavior guidelines. Thus, individuals become preoccupied with avoiding offense, rather than with participating in frank and no-holds-barred discussions that deal with essential social issues.

Political Correctness Undermines Democratic Principles

Democracy flourishes in the free market of ideas that challenges and refines differing viewpoints. Political correctness, however, clamps down on rebellious and unorthodox viewpoints, eventually emasculating the very basis of democratic discourse. A society that is deprived of intellectual diversity degenerates into a partisan and ideological echo chamber, creating complacency and stagnation in the decision-making process.

Political Correctness Erodes Personal Responsibility

Political correctness every so often clears individuals of personal responsibility by putting blame on social concepts, systems, and structures rather than tackling individual deeds and decisions. This loss of personal accountability chips away at moral development, hindering the moral growth and self-awareness of a people, which is indispensable for national progress.


While the original goal of political correctness may have been to establish a more encompassing democracy, it has developed to become a repressive force that jeopardizes the principles of free speech, intellectual heterogeneity, and democratic dialogue. Instead of inspiring open discourse, it cultivates an ethos of self-censorship and the containment of nonconforming thoughts and sentiments. 

In our struggle for a more civilized society, we must uphold the need for truthfulness, vigorous and healthy debate, and the encouragement of diverse perspectives, unencumbered by the tyranny of political correctness. Only then can society genuinely exemplify a union that espouses the principles of progress, equality, and freedom.

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